Here’s how to get tracking outbound links on your website today in just minutes – 100% free:
- Download the free Track The Click plugin
- Upload the plugin via your WordPress dashboard
- Activate the plugin via settings > Track The Click
- Choose how you wish to log your click – local, remote, or both
Once activated you will find a new Track The Click tab in the left hand menu of your WordPress dashboard. Select the Clicks option to start reviewing outbound clicks. The plugin defaults to showing todays data as standard, but you can use the date picker to select any time frame you like.
Note: click data is only recorded when the plugin is activated, you will need to allow some time for clicks to occur on your site before data is shown in the reports.
Track The Click settings
With the plugin installed you will see a Track The click tab on the left hand side menu of your WordPress dashboard. Select the settings option and you will find the following screen for setting up the plugin.

Local outbound link tracking – this is the recommended default setting. Click this and hit save and your click data will be logged by your host server. No click data will be sent to external services.
Google Analytics link tracking – click this if you want to send your data to Google Analytics. You will also need to enter your Google Analytics Property ID in the corresponding field too. This is usually of the format UA-1234567-89. NOTE: with the retirement of Universal Analytics, Google Analytic integration is now end of life. We currently have no plans to support GA4.
Google Analytics pageview tracking – this should be left unchecked in the current beta version. NOTE: with the retirement of Universal Analytics, Google Analytic integration is now end of life. We currently have no plans to support GA4.
Logging data both locally and remote
This is more than fine and currently supported. Simply click both Local outbound link tracking and Google Analytics link tracking and hit save. Your clicks will be saved locally and sent externally.
Help us improve
If you have suggestions for how we can improve the Track The Click plugin, we’d love to hear from you. Drop us an email and we might be able to implement your feedback!